Our Values

Our Values: In addition to the « hard skills » of negotiation, mediation, arbitration and the monitoring of judicial proceedings, we have an experience of « soft lobbying » that guides and helps us in our approach of commercial disputes.

Philippe Girard-Foley has learnt from his experience in advising the government of the People’s Republic of China on health and food matters in close liaison with the FAO and Codex Alimentarius, and in being part of some private groups and associations focusing on market access and import duties to Asia.

As a result and whatever the context, we believe in the Asian way of resolving issues by emphasizing consensus rather than the “making a point” attitude that often characterizes the Western approach.

Finally, we integrate the culture of the country concerned in the dispute resolution process and when looking for a settlement we do not act as foreigners whose point of view can only be intrinsically superior, and that way we achieve the best possible results for our clients.

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Our values Girard-Foley & Assosiates